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Showing posts from January, 2018

How to gain weight ?

How to gain weight ? A question which rarely asked in this world where obesity dominates all the other health issues. But only a person who is underweight will understand the seriousness of it. Gaining weight is equally hard as is losing weight. Both problems require you to exercise properly and eat healthy food. Lets find out how to gain weight. The reasons for being underweight – Eating disorders Chronic diseases Lack of physical activity. Heredity There are chances that an underweight person will have lower immunity levels and can easily fall prey to illness and infections. The rate of recovery in underweight people is slower than in healthy individuals.Thus there is a need for an underweight individual to gain weight and become fit. Here are some tips on how to gain weight:- How to gain weight – •  Counting calories : Calculate  your basic calorie requirement.You want to know how to  gain weight ? You will have to increase your calorie intake. Add 500 calor

Home workout plan

Regular workout is very important and each individual should workout no matter how busy they are. However, not everyone has the same desire to hit the gym every day. Since the start is the part that is most troublesome, we offer a  home workout plan that you can begin with right now! It doesn’t require equipment, it is simple, it smolders the fat and builds the muscles. 10 week No-Gym Home Workout Plan That Is Guaranteed To Burn Fat CRUNCHES Rest on the floor with your back being flat and raise the legs, keeping them at 90 degrees to your body. You can put your hands crossed in front of the chest, or behind the head. Ensure you leave a fist`s space between the chest and the chin. Then, move the belly button to the base of the spine and sit up until the chest or the elbows touch the knees. SQUATS Spread your legs a bit wider than shoulder width, keep your hips over the knees and the knees over your lower legs. The spine ought to be impartial and the shoulders ought to be m

The Ideal Six Pack Diet Plan For Men

The Ideal Six Pack Diet Plan For Men A toned body with perfect abs is a dream that each and every individual wants to realize. However, it’s not that simple to get a flawlessly fashioned body. It needs extreme dedication, patience, great effort, time and will, to attain six pack abs. Everyone has abs, but it cannot be seen under a layer of fat. For this, you need a proper and healthy diet plan. We shall present to you, the best ways and techniques to accomplish the best shaped body with the help of six pack diet plan. Why does everybody want six pack abs? The answer to this frequently asked question would be to look incredible and sexy. It’s commonly said that "the first impression is the last impression"   . It may well be because of this that most people want an appealing appearance that would attract attention and leave everybody awe struck. A lot of people ask about what should be done to get six pack abs. Well, here is the answer to this million dollar
What To Eat Pre and Post-workout. This is a question I get asked a lot!  What should I eat before and after a workout?!  You also need to make sure you’re fueling your body properly for your workout and to give you the maximum results you’re looking for. We’ve all been there. If you’re an afternoon exerciser, you may go all day on the run–skipping lunch, or even worse not eating anything at all–then attempt to workout but totally run out of gas mid workout, exhausted and unable to finish. If you’re a morning exerciser, your clothes are laid out and ready for your run or workout, but you try to go at it on an empty stomach and bam, you crash again.  While some do great and actually prefer cardio on an empty stomach, I prefer to have a bit of energy stored up for the workout.   BEFORE   your workout: 30 minute cardio You could actually get away without eating anything before a 30 minute cardio, but if not, you’ll need a quicker digesting energy source such a

5 secrets to looking awesome in T-SHIRT

5 Secrets To Looking Great In A T-Shirt | Look Stylish In The Perfect Fitting Tee The T-shirt. Every man’s favorite style piece. It’s simple, like most men, and requires very few decisions when wearing one. Or does it? It has been the default item of apparel for most guys. We buy them in bulk, often from the same brand and don’t think about replacing them until they start falling apart. This is not the best route to take. Paying careful attention to the style of your t-shirt is just as important as any other part of your wardrobe. There are some factors that play into this. Pay attention to these 5 aspects – fit, color, fabric, style, and function. Here’s how to look amazing in everyone’s favorite piece of clothing, the T-shirt. 1. Get The FIT Right Women agree that men are more attractive in a fitted white T-shirt. The shape of your top accentuates the ypically masculine silhouette of broad shoulders and narrow waist. So, no matter how you’re built, a t-shirt c


Ectomorph Diet Plan So, here’s your customized ectomorph diet plan to gain muscle by Fitness club India. This diet plan for ectomorph is divided into six meals with three major meal and three minor meals or snacks. Meal 1 – Breakfast 1 scoop whey isolate (I recommend MFF 100% Protein) 1 cup whole milk 1 large banana ¼ cup oats 2 tablespoon peanut butter Cocoa powder or chocolate syrup to taste Blend all the above ingredients in a blender, and there you have it a calorie dense whey protein shake. Nutrition Tip – If you ask me, I would recommend using MFF Whey Protein 100% because of its high protein content per scoop of serving. Besides, choose old-fashioned plain dry oats which are very easily available in the market these days. However, always keep in mind not to buy ‘masala’ or flavored oats for this type of protein shake. On top of these ingredients, you can even add a scoop of your favorite ice cream. Blending all the ingredients to a very fine size may take some tim